
Original Concept Recording of "ANY MOMENT..." a new musical

Created by Old Fashioned Production Co

Thanks for stopping by! We're super excited to share our project with you... Old Fashioned Production Co. is producing a new concept recording of a brand new Australian musical with an all-star cast. By pre-purchasing the recording, a ticket to a VIP concert or one of the other great rewards on offer, you are making this recording possible. The recording will include performances by Kurt Phelan, Lizzie Moore, James Shaw, Tom Oliver, Stephie Da Silva, Kathryn McIntyre, Shaun Kohlman, Irena Lysiuk, Alex Woodward, Trevor Jones, Judy Hainsworth, Lauren McKenna, Liz Buchanan, Jonathan Hickey and Emily Kristopher They will be supported by a 5-piece rock ensemble with music, lyrics and orchestrations written by award-winning composer/playwright Bradley McCaw. Every dollar contriubted through this campaign directly funds every artist involved. By clicking a button, YOU are making ART! Be a part of something unique and once in a lifetime! With your input we can make this record happen and create a brand-new recording of an Australian musical that can live on and be listened to for years to come.